Our mission is to advance Earth-centered laws, movements, and education. Our field of expertise is Earth law. Earth law is regenerative law for the planet.

About Our Work: Earth Law Center is building an international grassroots movement from the ground up, one that speaks to the responsibility humans have to the world around.

We envision a future in which humans and Nature flourish together.

In most countries, Nature has the legal status of mere property. This means that our current laws protect Nature largely for the benefit of people and corporations and not for Nature itself. ELC seeks to change this paradigm. We seek a new generation of law that recognizes the interconnectedness between humans and Nature and our responsibility to protect and defend Nature.

Our Strategy: Earth Law Center strives to change our anthropocentric worldview and legal frameworks by:

  • Raising awareness through education and outreach and fostering a new generation of Earth law advocates;

  • Creating strategic partnerships with grassroots organizations and local and Indigenous communities to provide frontline legal support; and

  • Securing new laws and landmark court decisions that strengthen our obligation to protect Nature.


Earth law is often called “ecocentric” law. It is an emerging body of law for protecting, restoring, and stabilizing the functional interdependency of Earth's life and life-support systems. In other words, Earth law lets Nature operate naturally. It may be expressed in constitutional, statutory, common law, and customary law, as well as in treaties and other agreements both public and private. Earth law is both a departure from environmental law and a new context for its extension. It is considered ecocentric law, as opposed to and compared to anthropocentric law. Earth law is regenerative law for the planet.

Within the framework of Earth law is the idea that ecosystems have the right to exist, thrive, and evolve—and that Nature should be able to defend its rights in court, just like people can. Some of the other specific movements falling under the banner of Earth law are nonhuman rights for animals, defining ecocide as a crime, and Indigenous rights.

Have more questions? Read our General FAQ and legal responses in Spanish here!


Check out Earth Law Center's first ebook available on Amazon and iTunes now!

Check out Earth Law Center's first ebook available on Amazon and iTunes now!

1) Helped write a national law in Panama on the Rights of Nature and ecocentrism in Panama.

2) Released first law school coursebook on Earth law and taught 1000s of students.

3) Helped secure Rights of Mother Earth in the new global biodiversity framework.

4) Co-created the first Board Seat for Nature.

5) Co-developed a campaign to secure rights for Southern Resident Orcas (with 10 wins).

6) Helped secure rights recognition for 10+ ecosystems in USA and the Americas.

7) Developed a wide range of model laws on the Rights of Nature and Earth-centered law, available in the US and internationally.