Earth Law Center’s Resources for
Lawyers & Policy Professionals
Earth Law Coursebook
Earth Law: Emerging Ecocentric Law—A Guide for Practitioners is a book for students and practicing lawyers who seek to preserve a habitable planet and question whether current environmental law is sufficient for the task. Earth law is the emerging body of ecocentric law for protecting, restoring, and stabilizing the functional interdependency of Earth’s life and life-support systems. Earth law may be expressed in constitutional, statutory, common law, and customary law, as well as in treaties and other agreements both public and private. It is a rgapidly developing field in many nations, municipalities, Indigenous communities, and international institutions. This course of study is for students and lawyers who know that nature and human environmental rights need to have seats at the table of law—in courts, legislatures, administrative bodies, enforcement agencies, and civil society. Buy from publisher or Amazon.
Earth Law Portal
September 2023, ELC and partners launched this groundbreaking digital platform designed to empower environmental advocacy and drive action for the protection and restoration of the planet. The Earth Law Portal serves as a dynamic hub, providing accessible legal models, letters, videos, podcasts, reports, and other tools to empower communities, governments, and everyone to take action for Nature and the well-being of local communities.
Amicus Briefs
Since 2018, ELC has innovated a program to submit amicus briefs in in courtrooms throughout the world seeking enforcement of the Rights of Nature, human and nonhuman environmental rights, rights of future generations, and other rights-based movements that fall under “Earth law.” We also engage in selective litigation in defense of rivers and other natural entities.
NY CLE Credit
Rights of Nature and Other Emerging Legal Movements to Save the Planet
Grant Wilson speaks on emerging legal movements seeking to transform our relationship with the natural world, including the Rights of Nature and others.
Hosted by the New York State Bar Association. 1 CLE credit.
Washington CLE Credit
Restoring Nature’s Rights in the Midst of the Environmental Crisis (password is 9e+$7g2)
Elizabeth Dunne and Michelle Bender speak on the Rights of Nature movement, including the effort to recognize legal rights for Southern Resident Orcas.
Hosted by National Lawyers Guild - Seattle. 1 CLE credit
Email for credit.
Earth Law
Summer Course
Join a passionate global community elevating Earth Law to new heights. Gain insight from Earth lawyers and ecocentric experts. Connect with a diverse network of Earth advocates dedicated to making a real difference on a global scale. Take action today and be a catalyst for positive change in the legal landscape.
The course is completely virtual and will be based on our book: Earth Law: Emerging Ecocentric Law - A Guide for Practitioners.
Learn more.
Quick links to all resources for Lawyers & Policy Professionals
Rights of Nature and Other Emerging Legal Movements to Save the Planet
Grant Wilson speaks on emerging legal movements seeking to transform our relationship with the natural world, including the Rights of Nature and others.
Hosted by the New York State Bar Association
1 CLE Credit
Restoring Nature’s Rights in the Midst of the Environmental Crisis
password is 9e+$7g2.
Elizabeth Dunne and Michelle Bender speak on the Rights of Nature movement, including the effort to recognize legal rights for Southern Resident Orcas.
1 CLE credit
Hosted by National Lawyers Guild - Seattle. Email for credit. -
Resources Photo: Unsplash / Ray Hennessy